TOFU balls
Main courses 15'   clock 4   people


  • 1 jar of Abinda Champignons à la Grecque
  • 1 pack of De Hobbit Tofu (550 g)
  • Shoyu
  • Black pepper
  • Oats
  • Flour or arrowroot


TOFU balls

TOFU balls



  1. Mash the tofu with a fork
  2. Stir in the Champignons à la Grecque and season with shoyu and black pepper
  3. Stir in as much of the flour as you can until the mixture no longer sticks to the hands.
  4. Divide the mixture into balls (tip: this is easier when your hands are wet).
  5. Leave in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
  6. In a pan, fry in sesame seed oil and plant-based margarine until brown.